Dawn Of War 4 Game Concept

Personal Work

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Early 2024 I started a journey into learning Blender. As part of that I set myself a goal to supplementĀ some UI designs with 3D assets. This project became an absolute obsession for the last few weeks as I delved deeper into Blender.

Essentially I wanted to imagine how a 4th Dawn Of War might look like, this initially started as rounding off a UI exercise and making a few 3D tilesets before ballooning into a full final frame and branding exercise. Most of the 3D environment art is my own with the exception of a few pieces and the unit models which I tweaked and created materials for before rendering and compositing in photoshop.

I wanted to capture the grim dark feel of Warhammer in the front end but with a strong nod towards a cleaner contemporary graphic design, I lent heavily on Cinzel as my serif tying back to the older 40k look coupled with bold colours and fine lines to make it feel modern. I experimented heavily with workflows not familiar to me. I found myself moving from illustrator to blender, setting up render scenes and lighting while endlessly iterating on materials.

For the environment I wanted dark lighting, worn metals and a general harsh feel. I tried to create a strong contrast between the hot depths of the cavern and the cold worn blues of the industrial landscape to evoke the harshness of the 40k universe.

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UI, Art Direction, Iconography, Branding, Environment Art

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Marine base models by VARGARESA

Dreadnaught base models by AQUILON, OH_MY_GODABLE, LORDNORAKAI

Orcs base models by CADDYH11


HUD overlay on the game scene
The environment for the final frame
The long varient of the logo and ultimately the one I went with
The squad select screen where the player chooses and modifies their squads for missions
> Work Breakdowns
Material work on the marine models I found online
Procedural armor material for the Blood Ravens red armor
enviroment scene created in Blender